It is a big one, pushing the hour and six minute GarageBand gives us to its limits. We have a few new jingles, but do not be scared (or at least try not to be; the ‘What Have You Been Playing?’ jingle takes a bit of getting used to).
First I must apologise, we are sellouts. I hate to admit it but we have to pay the bills somehow. This week expect a smattering of adverts through out the show. Please don’t feel compelled to run out and buy any of the featured products, but try to understand the necessity of their existence in the show.
This time around Darren has played more relevant games than I, so it is a mobile gaming-heavy start to the show. As ever we discuss news, including the upcoming Yakuza 3’s cast list. Following this I have a little rant about localisation of games, from Japan to the West (and vice versa). All before finishing up with Darren’s old games, this week featuring Hunter for the Amiga and Atari ST.